- In cause of extended delivery date up to 35-40days, written notice will be preceded. The delivery date begins when the goods are consigned to the carrier.
- Any complaints must be reported to our company, in writing, within 5 days of receipt of the goods.
- Ordered items may undergo a change up to +/- 15% concerning paper bags and +/20% to all other products.
- Print colours and materials may undergo a variation up to 15% at most.
- In case of delay of payment all outstanding orders may be suspended and legal interest on delayed payment may be added.
- The goods belong to our company until full payment is effected.
- In the context of our commercial cooperation, you expressly declare that you unconditionally accept the display of your company's trademark on our personal website for advertising purposes. Otherwise, you must inform us within 5 days of receiving this, otherwise your consent to this is implicitly presumed
- Storage service available for €0.5/day (palletization cost)